Health checks

The importance of health checks for pets

Ensuring your pet is happy and healthy.

Because our pets age more rapidly than we do (the equivalent of 5-7 years of aging can happen in one year for your dog or cat), annual health checks allow your veterinarian to do a physical exam and catch any potential health issues early. It is also an opportunity to ensure that your pet is up to date with preventative treatments such as vaccinations, flea and deworming treatments.


What to expect during a health check exam

During the physical exam, the veterinarian will examine your animal from nose to tail. This will include checking the teeth for signs of dental disease, listening to the heart and lungs for any abnormalities, and palpating the abdomen. The eyes, ears and skin will also be checked for any abnormalities. Depending on the findings, the vet may recommend further testing or treatments such as blood work or a dental cleaning.


An opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have

Once the physical exam is complete, any vaccinations that are due can be given and further testing can either be performed or scheduled. There will also be an opportunity for you to bring up any concerns that you may have about your animal. Because your pet cannot tell us how they feel, any changes you may notice can be important in pinpointing any medical issues.


Your pet’s changing needs

As your pet ages, the likelihood of finding abnormalities in a physical exam becomes greater. For this reason, your vet may recommend checks every 3-6 months as your pet ages, or if they are diagnosed with a long-term medical condition.