Treating Calf Scours
Calf scours in New Zealand is commonly caused by any of the following: rotavirus, cryptosporidium, E.coli, coronavirus, salmonella and coccidiosis. As well as infectious causes of scours (diarrhoea), nutritional scours (as a result of various stresses, milk type changes) can also be pretty severe. Regardless of the cause, it is the ensuing dehydration that results […]
Winter Fawn Management
Hopefully, the weaning process has gone smoothly this year and, despite the recent dry conditions in many regions, with careful planning and feed management, you have still achieved some decent autumn growth rates in the fawns. As the day length has now decreased into winter, the growth potential of weaners has also decreased, so realistically […]
Preparing for Dry-off and Mastitis Prevention
Drying cows off is an opportunity to reduce herd mastitis which only happens once a year. Doing this job well can have great results. Mistakes and treatment failures are frustrating and costly. This means having a good plan and great records of what happened to which cows and when is becoming essential. What’s the […]
What is the Right Diet for my Cows?
This is a question I hear often… but not often enough! Why not often enough? Because occasionally I am called in after the fact, when the cows are way behind production targets or the breeding has been terrible, or both. In these cases, by the time I am called it is too late, the damage […]
Cow Monitoring and Mastitis
The use of cow monitoring technology in heat detection and rumination changes, has become commonplace on many dairy farms around New Zealand, but how about its use for detecting mastitis and reducing the financial impact of one of the most prevalent health issues in the New Zealand dairy herd? Detecting mastitis with cow monitoring devices […]
UBAC®: Changing the Face of Mastitis Prevention
“UBAC®,” is an exciting development in treating mastitis which is likely the largest cost to the New Zealand dairy industry. It was estimated to cost approximately $180 million for the 2005/2006 dairy season (National Mastitis Advisory Committee, 2006). While several factors can influence the costs per cow on an individual farm, Compton and McDougall (2011) estimated […]
Can Vaccine Use Reduce Antibiotic Use in Animals?
The New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) has as its goal that, by 2030, New Zealand will not need antibiotics for the maintenance of animal health and wellness. One may ask just how will this be achievable? Antibiotics have revolutionised the health and well-being of both humans and animals during the 20th century. But 96 years […]
Antibiotic Reduction
Antibiotic reduction is a major topic in the livestock sector. The pressure is on to reduce the use of antibiotics and in doing so, it also has a direct impact on the human health aspect. Antimicrobial resistance facts Some key facts from the World Health Organization website: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top […]
Understanding Canine Parvovirus: Symptoms and Treatment
Parvovirus… it’s a diagnosis that every pet parent and vet clinic dreads, and one that can take the life of a previously healthy puppy in a matter of days. Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that affects dogs, particularly puppies. It is a serious and potentially fatal illness that can cause severe gastrointestinal […]
Heat Behaviour in Pregnant Cows
During pregnancy testing, we often find cows that are pregnant but not to their most recent insemination. With the recent uptake of automated heat detection, more questions have been raised about this – why are pregnant cows being inseminated when we are using the most accurate heat detection currently available? How cow monitoring data works […]
Maximising On-farm Efficiency
When my 10-year-old finished watching BBC’s ‘Newsround’ last week, I asked him “what was in the news today?”. I was surprised, expecting to hear about the Gaza conflict, when he answered “oh, they were talking about NZ sheep and how they cause global warming”. The role sustainability plays Perhaps I should not have been surprised, […]
Lame Stags – is there a new condition affecting our industry?
This year has been tough for deer farmers, with uncertainties over continued access to overseas export markets, mixed pricing messages and an increasingly fragmented market. Vetlife recognises the challenges facing its farming clients and is committed to supporting animal agriculture in New Zealand for the long haul. Part of this undertaking includes continuing to invest […]
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